Scottish Premiership Map


How do I use this map?

You can use this map in two ways ...

Step One (Option A)

Click on the name of the sports team from the menu on the right-hand side of the map. An information bubble containing information about the sports team will then appear over the marker.

Step One (Option B)

Or click on one of the markers on the map, the information bubble will then appear over the marker.

Step Two (Options A & B)

Click the + navigation symbol on the left hand size of the map to zoom in, and see the sports ground in more detail.

Step Three (Options A & B)

Select another sports ground by either clicking on the name of the sports team on the right hand side of the map or by clicking another marker on the map.

How do I use this map?
Last updated

Snapshot of the Scottish Premiership

There are 12 teams in the Cinch Scottish Premiership, but it's a league which has been dominated by the two Glasgow giants (Celtic & Rangers) for most of its existence. Between the two teams, they have won 85% of all the titles. The Scottish Premiership has a unique structure where the league splits into a top and bottom half for the final six games of the season. This oddity means the team in 7th often finishes with more points than the team in 6th. At the end of the season, the team finishing bottom is relegated to the Scottish Championship, while the 2nd bottom team is involved in a relegation match with the Championship play-off winner. The average attendance is 15,000 but there is a huge team-to-team variation, with Celtic pulling in 51,000 per match while just 3,800 attend Livingston games.

Premiership Champions












Current Champion