German Bundesliga Map


How do I use this map?

You can use this map in two ways ...

Step One (Option A)

Click on the name of the sports team from the menu on the right-hand side of the map. An information bubble containing information about the sports team will then appear over the marker.

Step One (Option B)

Or click on one of the markers on the map, the information bubble will then appear over the marker.

Step Two (Options A & B)

Click the + navigation symbol on the left hand size of the map to zoom in, and see the sports ground in more detail.

Step Three (Options A & B)

Select another sports ground by either clicking on the name of the sports team on the right hand side of the map or by clicking another marker on the map.

How do I use this map?
Last updated

Snapshot of the German Bundesliga

The 18-team Bundesliga has the highest per-game attendance of any football league in the world. The average crowd of 41,000 is 5,000 higher than the premier league. These attendances are achieved by low ticket prices, and huge stadiums (many with safe standing areas). Unlike other European Football leagues, Bundesliga teams are required to be majority-owned by German club members (known as the 50+1 rule). This rule effectively prohibits private ownership by foreign billionaires, but there are 'grey areas'.

Bayern Munich are the most successful team with 33 Championships, and they are currently in a period of absolute domination - having won the last 11 titles. The 2nd most successful Bundesliga team (FC Nürnberg) has less than one-third of their titles.

Bundesliga Champions

Bayern Munich



FC Nürnberg



Borussia Dortmund



Bayern Munich


Current Champion